Welcome to Dancing Bee Apiary where we assure you dancing bees and always the most fruitful trees at our top of the world apiary! We strive to bring you only the highest quality products! We are as organic as nature allows! So you are guaranteed products free from harmful chemicals and other unnatural wierdness! Because as we always say "Healthy Bellies Feed Healthy Minds"
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Rendering Bees Wax :0)
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Slugs slugs everywhere....Wish they were good to eat :0)
Well we are being over run by brown garden slugs; big ones, little ones, fat ones and fatter ones! We have so many it's a darn shame they don't make a delicious stew! We would never starve during the rainy months! They have already eaten and distroyed one batch of seedlings and are now doing their darndest to do it to the second batch! Now what to do...saucers of beer? ......predatory nematodes?.....diatomaceous earth?....chopsticks....? Maybe some ducks :0) Well I went purusing the internet for the best possible fit for us and found some excellent information on all of the above:
Monday, May 27, 2013
An Organic Wife: Recipe: Real Deal Marshmallows
An Organic Wife: Recipe: Real Deal Marshmallows: Did you know that marshmallows were originally medicinal? Marshmallows did actually used to be made from the root of the althaea officinalis...

The kids and I are making these tomorrow!!! With Dancing Bee Honey, Mountain Rose Herbs Marshmallow root powder, and madagascar vanilla beans :0)

The kids and I are making these tomorrow!!! With Dancing Bee Honey, Mountain Rose Herbs Marshmallow root powder, and madagascar vanilla beans :0)
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Craft your own Fire Cider!
Fire Cider is a traditional cold remedy! It's spicy, wonderful, and full of healthful stimulating ingredients. For all infromation regarding this wonder concoction please refer to the original posting by Moutain Rose Herbs (one of my favorite places to go)!
1/2 cup fresh grated organic ginger root1/2 cup fresh grated organic horseradish root
1 medium organic onion, chopped
10 cloves of organic garlic, crushed or chopped
2 organic jalapeno peppers, chopped
Zest and juice from 1 organic lemon
Several sprigs of fresh organic rosemary or 2 tbsp of dried rosemary leaves
1 tbsp organic turmeric powder
organic apple cider vinegar
raw local honey to taste
Prepare all of your cold-fighting roots, fruits, and herbs and place them in a quart sized jar. If you’ve never grated fresh horseradish, be prepared for a powerful sinus opening experience! Use a piece of natural parchment paper or wax paper under the lid to keep the vinegar from touching the metal. Shake well! Store in a dark, cool place for one month and remember to shake daily.After one month, use cheesecloth to strain out the pulp, pouring the vinegar into a clean jar. Be sure to squeeze as much of the liquid goodness as you can from the pulp while straining. Next, comes the honey! Add 1/4 cup of honey and stir until incorporated. Taste your cider and add another 1/4 cup until you reach the desired sweetness.
Thank you Mountain Rose Herbs for all of your fabulous information and herbs!
Rendering Tallow for candles and eattin'!!!
What a fantastically easy and fun way to do this!
Tallow is an excellent source of niacin, vitamins B6, B12, K2, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and riboflavin. Grassfed beef tallow contains high ratio of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which is a cancer-resistant agent. Contrary to the popular conception, tallow is good for health as tallow fat is similar to the fat/muscles in the heart. Recent studies have shown that human beings need at least 50% of saturated fats like tallow and lard to keep the heart pumping hard and healthy. Tallow from pasture-raised cows also contains a small amount of Vitamin D, similar to lard.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Starting a fish farm for food!!!
This is a guide to raising and harvesting fish using a fish farm. A fish farm is a great idea, giving you tons of quality protein for a minimal time and money investment. It also pairs very well with worm composting, if you’re into that sort of thing. If you’re looking to diversify your food supply, give starting a fish farm strong consideration.
This set up can work for various kinds of fish, but works particularly well with:
A typical 50-60 gallon barrel can house up to 40 fingerlings. They won’t be reproducing in these conditions, but they will grow to their adult size and be ready to eat.
This is a guide to building a functioning barrel aquarium for your fish.
What You’ll Need:
1) A 50-60 gallon barrel. Plastic works well.
2) Aquarium gravel.
3) An aquarium water filter.
4) A water tap and garden hose.
5) A circulation pump or aerator.
6) A thermometer.
7) Water de-chlorination drops.
Putting It Together:
1) Find a level area that receives partial shade, and is within reach of your garden hose.
2) Place your barrel on the level area.
3) Put 3-4 inches of aquarium gravel at the bottom of the barrel. Place an aquarium water filter firmly in the gravel (also called the substrate).
4) Secure a garden hose to the barrel, at a level just above the gravel. This is where new water will be added- from the bottom up.
5) Attach a circulation pump or aerator to ensure the water always has enough oxygen.
6) Attach a thermometer to the inside of the barrel, at a level that will always be immersed in water. You want your water to stay within the 70-85F range. You may need to adjust how much sunlight your barrel receives to sustain this.
7) Fill the barrel with water and treat it with de-chlorination drops.
8) Cover the barrel with a pane of glass and let sit for 2 days so the temperature can stabilize.
9) Add your fish.
Maintenance on Your Barrel Aquarium
Every day, remove 15 gallons from your barrel and replace it with fresh water that has been chlorine treated and allowed to sit in the sun for 5 hours.
Every month, empty the tank and replace all of the water.
There are commercial fish foods available at most hatcheries and these will work fine. Each will come with their own instructions on how much to use for the type and amount of fish you have.
But a really cool idea is to build a worm composter, and feed your fish the worms from there. It’s possible to create a system where your kitchen and garden scraps feed your worms, your worms feed your fish, and your fish head to the kitchen to start the cycle anew. It’s a good permaculture environment to consider. If you’re interested, check out this detailed guide to worm composting.
If you go the worm route, you’ll want around 10,000 red wigglers to get you started with 40 fingerlings. You’ll need to feed your fish 50-100 worms a day, and the number will grow as the fish do.
Feed your fish at dawn and dusk, as these are the times they naturally eat in the wild.
When your fish reach adulthood, you can clean and gut them and use them for food. Empty your tank out, clean it and start the process again.
You can also go with a staggered approach, taking a few adult fish out at a time and replacing them with younger ones.
For a constant supply of fresh fish, start a new barrel every 2 months.
Here’s a very cool article on Aquaponics. It shows in great detail how to create a closed, independent ecosystem with fish, microbes and plants that all feed each other in a continuous cycle.
Courtesy of http://preparedforthat.com/how-to-start-a-fish-farm-raising-fish-for-food-at-home/
Suturing Introduction - Stitches DIY Medical Skill Videos
You can practice on a Green Banana
Surgical Knots and Suturing Techniques third edition
Vet and Med Student Skin Closure Assortment Kit, 50 Sutures & 2 Suture Instruments
First Aid Skin Closure Kit {stapler w/35 regular staples and precise staple remover, tweezer style}, Sterile
Basic Surgical Skills & Techniques
25 Emergency Medical Skin Suture Kit With 2 Instruments
24 U.S. Military Style Field Medic Instrument Kit
Elite Large Fully Stocked GI Issue Medic First Aid Kit Bag
Emergency kitchen oil lamp!!!!
I have not tried this, but if it works... how handy would these be during one of our many weather induced black-outs! I personally have all of these items in various hidey holes in my house :0)
And when there's no black seed to be found....:0)

Black Seed – ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death’

According to Zohary and Hopf, archaeological evidence about the earliest cultivation of N. sativa "is still scanty", but they report supposed N. sativaseeds have been found in several sites from ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun's tomb.[4] Although its exact role in Egyptian culture is unknown, it is known that items entombed with a pharaoh were carefully selected to assist him in the afterlife.
The earliest written reference to N. sativa is thought to be in the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament, where the reaping of nigella and wheat is contrasted (Isaiah 28: 25, 27). Easton's Bible dictionary states the Hebrew word ketsah refers to N. sativa without doubt (although not all translations are in agreement). According to Zohary and Hopf, N. sativa was another traditional condiment of the Old World during classical times; and its black seeds were extensively used to flavour food.[4]
Found in Hittite flask in Turkey from 2nd millennium BCE.[5]
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